DreamWorks Animation has officially announced the long-anticipated return of Shrek in “Shrek 5,” set for a theatrical release on July 1, 2026. This marks the first film in the beloved franchise in 16 years. Original stars Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, and Cameron Diaz are confirmed to reprise their roles as Shrek, Donkey, and Princess Fiona, respectively.
Eddie Murphy, in a recent interview, revealed that production for “Shrek 5” began months ago and that he has already recorded the first act of the film. Murphy also hinted at a possible spin-off centered around his character, Donkey, stating, “Shrek is coming out and Donkey’s gonna have his own movie”.
The Shrek franchise has been a significant success since its debut in 2001, which earned an Oscar for Best Animated Feature and grossed $487 million worldwide. The subsequent sequels, “Shrek 2” (2004), “Shrek the Third” (2007), and “Shrek Forever After” (2010), continued to captivate audiences and expand the franchise’s global reach.
While details about the plot of “Shrek 5” remain under wraps, the excitement surrounding the return of these iconic characters is palpable. The involvement of Michael McCullers, known for his work on the “Austin Powers” films, in developing the screenplay with producer Christopher Meledandri, adds to the anticipation. This creative team promises to bring fresh and engaging stories while staying true to the original charm of the series.
In addition to the main series, the Shrek universe includes two successful spin-off films featuring Antonio Banderas’ character, Puss in Boots. While it is not yet confirmed if Banderas will reprise his role in “Shrek 5,” fans are hopeful for his return.
The announcement of “Shrek 5” has generated a significant buzz, with fans eager to see the continuation of Shrek’s adventures. DreamWorks Animation’s tweet on July 9, 2024, confirmed the release date, stating, “Not too Far, Far Away… Shrek 5 is coming to theatres on July 1, 2026, with Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, and Cameron Diaz”.
As production progresses, more details about the plot and additional cast members are expected to emerge. The return of Shrek is set to be a major event in the film industry, promising to bring both nostalgic joy and new excitement to audiences worldwide.